Good morning, everyone. Since Jordan is half way across the world, today’s selections are from just one season – moi. I decided that it would be fun to feature some women whom I have met through blogging and call my friends. Each one writes a highly successful blog with beautiful photos and great information. We consider each of these ladies blogging role models. I hope you enjoy them.
Our friend Yvonne never meets a stranger. She lives in Pennsylvania and uses her blog as a platform to teach all of us how to live better and more beautiful lives. She has some great suggestions for cleaning up your space. If you spend some time on her blog, you will find a beautiful photos and well-planned posts.
Fellow Kentucky blogger and our friend Cyndi Spivey has a fashion blog for us ladies over (ahem) 40. Right now she is featuring 26 days of fall fashions. Cyndi’s blog is one of the top fashion blogs in the country, and she writes for us real women with real budgets. And the nice thing is that she is as beautiful on the inside as on the outside.
Mom 4 Real is another blog written by a Lexington friend. Her blog is loaded with tips, and I loved this one about turning a sideboard into a kitchen island. Jessica is always full of energy and ideas. We have enjoyed spending time with her and are happy about her success.
Savvy Southern Style is one of the first blogs I ever read, and I still read it every day. Kim lives in the Atlanta area in a home that she and her husband helped build on three acres of land. She favors farmhouse and French country decorating and has received a ton of accolades (including a magazine cover) for her beautiful and successful blog. Spend some time on her site, and you will see beautifully decorated rooms. She is an expert at creating vignettes, like this one on her mantel.
Last but certainly not least is our friend Shirley who writes Housepitality Designs. You will never meet a nicer person than Shirley. She is a southern girl who lives in a huge house that is loaded with beautiful things. She is a pro at vignettes and switches them up frequently. It’s another blog that we read every day.
If you aren’t familiar with these blogs, be sure to check them out. If you do know about them, then stop in and say “Hi!” to them. Please pin from the original sources. Then go out and enjoy the rest of your week-end. Thanks so much for stopping in.
Thanks for sharing. I’m among good company.
Good blog choices…and I always like to see Kentucky bloggers making it out there in blogland!
Can’t wait to see what Jordan does with her new home!
Thanks so much ladies for the feature!…..Humbled to be among these lovely blogs today!….Hope you are having a great weekend!