Author: Spring
My husband and I are so excited to make the following announcement: a baby is on the way – a baby puppy, that is. After months and months of research and planning, we are taking the next step in our marriage and adopting a puppy!

We have decided that a German Short Haired Pointer is the dog that will fit our lifestyle the best. We want someone who can go jogging, camping, hiking and traveling with us and will adjust easily to an infant when we decide to expand our human family. We talked to people and debated and have decided to get a female. My husband, who has never owned a dog, was pulling for a male, but I grew up with female dogs and know how loyal and caring they are.

Our little lady will be born in Canada, just north of Niagara Falls, in March and will be ready to come home with us in May. This breed is known for having large litters, and the breeder feels confident that there will be more than one girl to choose from. As soon as the puppies are born, the breeder will start sending photos in order for us to watch the growth progress and to start bonding – virtually.

This is the mother “Phoebe.”
We have read several books on how to train a puppy and hope we can pull it off. When I was little, my parents got a springer spaniel, and she was one year old when she joined our family. Several years after she died, my brother and I adopted a three-year-old greyhound for our parents. Both dogs were potty-broken by the time they came to us, so I missed out on that aspect of pet ownership. Both my husband and I will be rookies in that area.

This is the sire “Dawson.”
As soon as we start receiving photos of the new crop of pointers from our breeder, I will share them with you…….so, stay tuned.Cheers!
Puppies images from Google images. Phoebe and Dawson images from Big Country Kennels. I was not paid by Big Country Kennels to mention them in this post.
Jordan! Your baby is going to be so adorable!
Be careful of Joey’s “sticky puppy hands”!!
🙂 Kristina