Hello to all. We hope you are having a good weekend. Here are our latest Saturday Selections.
We Kentucky girls thought you might enjoy these facts.
You know we love pancakes, and we can’t wait to give these buttermilk bacon pancakes a try.
We love these performance shirts as a great under layer when the temperatures are all over the place. They’re as good as the name brands at a much lower price.
If you have time and patience, you might want to paint a wall like this DIY project. This woman even builds kitchen cabinets, upholstered chairs, and rooms.
Mom has discovered Nikol Johnson on Youtube and enjoys her make up videos for “mature” women, and the rest of us, too.
Thank you all for stopping in. We don’t always say it, but we always appreciate each of you.
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If you like makeup you might like Wayne Goss. I love that he will do videos with quick tips. I find it more helpful than full face makeup videos although I enjoy those, too.
N, thank you for the recommendation.