Our DIY powder room makeover is the topic of today’s blog post.
Hi everyone. It seems as if the blog theme for this week is powder rooms. We recently redid our powder room, and I am so excited to show the results to you today. Our powder room is actually a full bathroom that is located on the main floor beside the playroom. The playroom can become a bedroom for us when we get old, or it can become a guest room. Having a full bath right beside it makes that all possible. At this point, we do not use the tub/shower portion of the room other than for hanging clothes that I don’t put in the dryer. So, we just keep the shower curtain pulled so we can’t even see the tub. It is nice to know that on a busy night I would be able to supervise kids’ baths while I cook dinner, though. So, there’s always that. We hope you enjoy our powder room makeover.
The powder room started out as a tan box. Shortly after moving in, I painted the walls and the vanity and changed the mirror.
However, the room seemed blah and didn’t do anything for me. It is a small room with tall ceilings, and I wanted it to be bold and fun. We lived with it like that for several years and always intended to have it redone.
Estimates Too High
Then we decided it was time and got some estimates to redo it. That’s when we decided to make it a DIY project. The estimates were way higher than we thought they should be. Instead of paying a contractor, we did the work and treated ourselves!!! Charles bought a new mountain bike, and I bought a large piece of art for our dining room. Everyone was happy…….except maybe the contractor.
Even though we knew we had the skills to DIY this project, it also brought back nightmares memories of a little project we did in our first house’s bathroom that went wrong. We had to call in a contractor to bail us out. Being 14 years old, this house doesn’t have the quirks like our last old house, so we thought it would be straight forward.
Here is a close up of the tan floor that was in the room before. I did think about painting it at one point like we did with our backsplash, but the tile seemed too porous. Charles borrowed a tool from a friend and had the floor up in no time. We thought it was going great!
However, once the floor and vanity were up and out, we discovered this mold. Charles opened up the wall and we found a small, small leak that had been going on for some time we think. The cause of the leak was we think was me nailing in a new nail to hang a new mirror to refresh the bathroom when we moved in. Whomp… whomp… He was able to fix it, kill the mold, patch the drywall, and then we were back on course.
The inspiration for the room, which has really tall ceilings and no window, was a colorful, floral, removable wallpaper called English Garden Bari J.that I saw on Wallternatives. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it, and I still feel the same way. I LOVE IT. Since we had the toilet out of the room and the vanity out of the room, Charles installed the wallpaper within 15 minutes. I went to put the kids down for nap, and when I came back downstairs, it was up. Knowing how easy installation is makes me want to use Wallternatives in some other areas of my house. I love all of their patterns and the simplicity of application. Wallternatives provided it to us and offered a code for you to save 10 percent off your order. Here is the code : THE2SEASONS They have lots of nice patterns, so be sure to check it out. It’s hard because the wallpaper in person looks even better than the pictures. Remember that Mom suggested wallpaper as one of her tips in yesterday’s post.
Since the paper is so bold, we only hung it on one wall. The remaining walls are painted Corduroy Black (which really does come out as a navy) by Valspar.
I saw a photo of the three lights hanging from the ceiling in front of a tall mirror. I knew that would make an impact in our small room. So, we did hire an electrician to remove the light over the previous mirror and hang this light which looks like three. It hangs down from the ceiling. This change made a huge difference in making the room feel bigger.
To get the full impact of the lights and to take advantage of the tall ceiling, we hung a very long mirror. I looked and looked for one and finally found this one at HomeGoods. Thank goodness for HomeGoods.
Vanity Top/Sink
I painted the vanity shortly after moving in and then added these fun knobs from Hobby Lobby. Then we changed out the sink and added a new quartz vanity top. We changed the faucets, too. We were able to get a piece cut from a remnant which helped keep the cost down. While the other vanity top was fine, I love that this is more neutral.
The biggest project was the floor.
We weren’t sure if we were going to change it, and then one night when I was out, Charles took up the old tile. Decision made! We found the wonderful six-sided quartz here, and we LOVE it. It really does look like marble but without the attitude.
Plus, we didn’t have one broken tile. It was packaged very well, and I was so happy with the quality. It made all of the difference in the room. For the grout, Charles used this product in this color. We love the result and the workability. It is always amazing to see the difference grouting makes.
So, that’s it for our powder room makeover. Oh, I should mention that the shower curtain is no longer sold but I found this similar one here. We had our custom monogram, which was an engagement gift, added to personalize it.
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Jordan, your bathroom is stunning! I do love that wallpaper….it makes quite the statement. Kudos to you and your hubby!
Thank you Donnamae.