Author: Spring
Do not judge a book by its cover. When we were house-hunting, we almost didn’t go into the house we ended up buying because we weren’t crazy about its exterior. We felt it lacked curb appeal. However, we liked the neighborhood and decided why not. When we went inside, we found a charming, well-loved, and updated home. We made an offer that evening.
Neighbors have nicely asked us what we plan to do with the exterior. We don’t know all of the answers just yet, but we do know there are tons of stones to be removed from the back yard, lots of plants to remove and relocate in the front yard and a paint job to tackle. Maybe we’ll add some shutters and window boxes.
Meanwhile, enjoy these photos of our place as it plays the game of hide and seek in the snow. Can you find it?

Do you have any plans for updating your home’s exterior this spring? Please share in the comment form below.